martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Welcome children!

Hello boys and girls! Ya tenemos aquí nuestro blog de inglés, el cual podremos usar en clase, en casa, en la playa, en el campo, con nuestros padres y madres, ...

2 comentarios:

  1. Once upon a time, there was an old and rich man called Ebenezer Scooge. He didin't like Christmas.
    One day two men went to his ofice and asked him for some moneday. They wanted the money for the poor.Scrooge didn't give them any money.
    Scrooge went home and he saw on the knocker the face of a ghost. When he was on his bed, the gost of Chrismas Past apearetd and Scrooge followed him. The ghost showed him the past and he was very cruel with people because his father was cruel with him when he was a child. And he didn't like Christmas because he went home at that time and always stayed at school. He went back home and opened the door there was another ghost waiting for him. He was the Ghost of Christmas Present. They went to other houses and saw how happy they were although they were poor. But Scrooge was sad. A third ghost appeared: The Gost of Christmas Future. They saw what was his future: the funeral of a boy called Tiny Tim and his funeral. He learnt that he could change that and he wasn't a bad man anymore.

    By Reme ruiz

  2. Tania Ramirez Llobregat26 de diciembre de 2010, 3:08


    One day a child called Shaun was employed at a field of potatoes and it got tired and fell asleep under a tree and dreamed that it was very rich.
    His hair was turning into gold and because of it a dwarf wanted to cut the whole hair to be rich.
    Shaun in order that the dwarf was not cutting the hair and was remaining with all the money it shortly the same one and it buried all the gold under a shrub and in order that one did not forget him where it had buried it took his scarf and tied her in the shrub but the dwarf saw it to hide it and filled the whole forest of yellow scarves.
    Shaun took his spade and started digging in all the shrubs I throw months enclosedly years but he never found this pot of gold even nowadays they continue looking for her.
